Thursday, March 9, 2017

February Fellows Spotlight- Sheeza!

Sheeza Shamoon, a sophomore fellow, recently attended the Triangle Youth Leadership Conference.  Read on to learn about her wonderful experience there!   

What was your favorite part about the Leadership Conference?
I made new friends who were from all different parts of North Carolina.  I also loved this workshop where we got to design an app and present it to the group.  Our app focused on helping high school students to find mentors online to get help with college preparation.  Basically do what counselors would normally do but the mentors would have more time to help us.  We also added a feature for different languages which was important for us to include.

What did you learn from the Leadership Conference?
I learned to feel more confident about myself and my opinions.  You shouldn't be afraid of saying how you feel about a particular thing.  If people don't agree with you, you need to explain your view to others.  I also learned that it is important to keep up with current events and what is happening around us.

Have you applied anything you learned from the Leadership Conference to your life since attending?
I have shared what I learned there with my friends.  I also told them that they need to make sure to take advantage of opportunities like this conference.  It helps me learn and grow as a person and be more ready for the real world.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year's Fellows Spotlight!

Name: Makayla Evans-Coleman 

My favorite thing about school is that you have a voice, you can choose the classes you want take and the clubs you want join or even start. My interest outside of school is learning about animals for example, how they live,what they eat and how they communicate certain emotions. Advice I would give to a younger high school student is a social life isn't important if the people you socialize with do not help you or impact you in a positive way. The most rewarding part about being in this program is being able to educate myself on what's out there in life for me study or be apart of and bettering myself for college. My eventual college and career goals is to go to NC State, go to vet school and become a successful veterinarian. Also, I hope I am going to travel to other countries to help sick or hurt wild animals. Something about me you wouldn't know about me Is that I'm very crafty I can sew, draw and etc. Also, I wanted to be a artist or fashion designer when I was in elementary school.