Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Step-It-Up-2-Thrive: Helping fellows to reach their full potential

Thriving is defined, as “a forward, purposeful motion towards achieving one’s full potential.”  This idea is central to the Step-It-Up-2-Thrive curriculum created by the Thrive Foundation For Youth (  Using the curriculum, schools and youth organizations can help young people develop positive development skills and assets that will challenge them to evaluate their lives, yet support them in finding their place in the world. 

Step-It-Up-2-Thrive is made up of four important parts or stages of development.  The first stage is the identification of youths’ sparks or what they're passionate about. When youth develop and grow their sparks, they can drive their personal growth and thriving.  The second stage focuses on the idea of a growth mindset where skills, intelligences, and personality qualities can be developed.  This idea teaches young people that they can continue to learn and improve even when responding to challenges, by developing new strategies and asking for help.  The third stage has young people reflect on twelve indicators of thriving or skills they can develop to help them reach their full potential.   Finally, the fourth stage focuses on goal setting and management that grows one or more indicators of thriving. 

The sophomore fellows have been exploring the first and third stages from the curriculum.  They have identified their sparks and how spark champions can help them develop and grow those sparks.  They have also reflected on the six main domains of thriving indicators or the 6C’s.  Here are some of the ways the fellows have identified as ways to achieve the six thriving indicators.

Competence: developing healthy habits, love of learning, social skills and life skills
Character: being respectful, honest, dependable, and accountable, and living by your values
Confidence: developing persistence, resourcefulness, self-esteem, and pride
Caring: caring about family and friends, helping others, having compassion
Connection: developing positive relationships with friends, family, and mentors, and developing spiritual growth
Contribution: having a purpose, doing service, helping others, caring about your community