We have had a busy but exciting month at the Elizabeth
Edwards Fellows Program. Three of our Fellows attended a career and college fair at the Garner Road Community
Center. A number of colleges from
North Carolina were in attendance, and our students received some great information
about their college prospects. The Fellows also attended a College 101 workshop with Jenny Peacock, the Director
of Admissions at Peace University.
During this interactive presentation, students were challenged to think
about a successful “Action Plan" for college admissions. The students also learned some great tips about applying for, paying for, and succeeding in college. Finally, we are pleased to welcome six new sophomores and
one new junior into the Elizabeth Edwards Fellows Program! These students, who were nominated for
the program by their teachers based on their academic potential, had to
complete an application and interview in order to become accepted into the
program. We celebrated their
acceptance, at our Kick-Off Party, at the Alley, a bowling alley in
Raleigh. Both new and previous Fellows as well as friends and family had a wonderful time bowling and learning more details about the program and all the exciting opportunities we have to offer.